S.Agri Udaan Private Limited

India's First Agriculture Drone Service Provider

We are India’s First Agriculture Drone Service Provider. We provide agriculture services like Spraying pesticides, Insecticides & Weedicides, Seed scattering and Crop health analysis via UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). A farmer can avail any of the service either by contacting us directly via the helpline number or can also approach us via our distributor network which is all across Gujarat, parts of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Karnataka and Maharashtra. We have more than 2500 Acres or spraying experience and have more than 1500+ farmers happy farmers as our customers. We have experience in spraying in all vegetable crops like chilli, onion, potato, tomato, etc. and Field crops like cotton, castor, mustard, paddy, corn, wheat, etc. and Horticulture crops like Mango, Papaya, Banana, Dragon Fruits, Pomegranate, Guava, Lemon, etc. Few of our big clients include Adani, Government of India (KVK- Krishi Vigyan Kendra) Government of Gujarat, Government of Madhya Pradesh, McCains, UPL, Nurture Farms, Indian Potash Limited (IPL), Sona Seeds, Seedworks, IFFCO and Good Farms. We have been awarded as Times Gujarat Icon 2022 as an emerging Start-up in the transforming Agriculture Sector via Drone Technology in Gujarat.

Our Drone capacity is 25-30 acres per day. Each battery cycle lasts for 20-25 mins which covers approximately 1.5 to 2 acres of land. The spray cycle of various crops ranges from 10-25 days hence on an average if 25 farmers holding 25 acres in an area can completely exhaust the drone capacity and a new drone is deployed to cater the rest of the demand generated in that area. Hence, there is a wide scope of business but highly capital intensive and requires huge investments.

Agriculture Drones are expensive delicate machines. There are various DGCA rules one needs to comply before flying which a farmer may not be aware. We as a service provider makes sure that we comply with the govt. norms and our experienced pilots with 100+ hours of flying experience take the on-field risks of flying the drones to get the farmer task done in fast, economical and hassle-free manner. Drone Flying is a skill and required hours of training, and as drones being fragile, currently no banks provide insurances, thus a small crash results expensive repairs making is infeasible for farmer.

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if you have any questions, please reach out to us. We will have happy to solve your queries